Instaread Player

Transform Your Articles into Engaging Audio Content for Free. Grow Engagement. Get Paid.

Boost Engagement

Enable your audience to multitask by offering audio versions of your articles, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Improve SEO

Audio content increases on-site time and reduces bounce rates, positively impacting your search engine rankings.

Increase Page Views

Users consuming audio content view 22% more pages, enhancing overall site traffic.

Enhance accessibility

Make your content accessible to individuals with dyslexia or visual impairments through audio formats.

100 % Free

Integrate Instaread Player at no cost and start benefiting immediately.

Grow Your revenue

We monetize the audio player with ads and share the generated revenue with you.

Simple Integration

Add a single code snippet—similar to embedding a YouTube video—and the player appears on your site.

Time To Integrate

Set up in less than an hour with minimal effort. Platform-specific plugins available.

Start Now—Enhance Your Content with Instaread Player